Quote Realtime

You can access any endpoint via websockets if you have subscriped to the premium or enterprise package

To access quote realtime data use both subscribe and unsubscribe action. You will receive an update if the quote data has changed.

  • Subscribe: {"action": "subscribe", "channel": "quote", "symbol": "AAPL"}
  • Unsubscribe: {"action": "unsubscribe", "channel": "quote", "symbol": "AAPL"}


1. Connect to the websocket

CLI command:
wscat -c "wss://ws.bavest.co/v0" -H "x-api-key: <API KEY>"

2. Subscribe to forex data

  {"action": "subscribe", "channel": "quote", "symbol": "AAPL"}

3. Unsubscribe if needed

{"action": "unsubscribe", "channel": "quote", "symbol": "AAPL"}