Stock IPO Prospectus
Parameter | Type | Description |
event | string | The prospectus event. |
prospectus | array of objects | The list of prospectus details. |
symbol | string | The security symbol. |
cik | string | The Central Index Key (CIK). |
filingDate | string | The filing date of the prospectus. |
discountsAndCommissionsTotal | integer | The total discounts and commissions. |
proceedsBeforeExpensesTotal | integer | The total proceeds before expenses. |
acceptedDate | string | The date the prospectus was accepted. |
discountsAndCommissionsPerShare | number | The discounts and commissions per share. |
url | string | The URL of the IPO prospectus. |
form | string | The form date (in Unix timestamp format). |
pricePublicTotal | integer | The total public price of the IPO. |
pricePublicPerShare | integer | The public price per share. |
proceedsBeforeExpensesPerShare | number | The proceeds before expenses per share. |
ipoDate | string | The date of the IPO. |
Updated 5 months ago