Stock Metric
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | The stock symbol. |
date | string | The metric date. |
period | string | The metric period. |
revenueGrowth | number | The annual metric growth. |
grossProfitGrowth | integer | The company gross profit growth. |
ebitgrowth | number | The ebit growth. |
operatingIncomeGrowth | number | The annual operating income growth. |
netIncomeGrowth | number | The annual net income growth. |
epsgrowth | number | The annual earnings per share growth. |
epsdilutedGrowth | number | The annual diluted earnings per share growth. |
weightedAverageSharesGrowth | integer | The weighted average share growth. |
weightedAverageSharesDilutedGrowth | integer | The diluted weighted average share growth. |
dividendsperShareGrowth | number | The annual dividend per share growth. |
operatingCashFlowGrowth | number | The operating cashflow growth. |
freeCashFlowGrowth | number | The free cashflow growth. |
tenYRevenueGrowthPerShare | number | The 10 years revenue growth per share. |
fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare | integer | The 5 years revenue growth per share. |
threeYRevenueGrowthPerShare | number | The 3 years revenue growth per share. |
tenYOperatingCFGrowthPerShare | number | The 10 years operating free cashflow growth per share. |
fiveYOperatingCFGrowthPerShare | number | The 5 years operating free cashflow growth per share. |
threeYOperatingCFGrowthPerShare | number | The 3 years operating free cashflow growth per share. |
tenYNetIncomeGrowthPerShare | number | The 10 years net income growth per share. |
fiveYNetIncomeGrowthPerShare | integer | The 5 years net income growth per share. |
threeYNetIncomeGrowthPerShare | number | The 3 years net income growth per share. |
tenYShareholdersEquityGrowthPerShare | number | The 10 years shareholders equity per share. |
fiveYShareholdersEquityGrowthPerShare | number | The 5 years shareholders equity per share. |
threeYShareholdersEquityGrowthPerShare | number | The 3 years shareholders equity per share. |
tenYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare | number | The 10 years dividend per share. |
fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare | number | The 5 years dividend per share. |
threeYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare | number | The 3 years dividend per share. |
receivablesGrowth | integer | The annual receivable growth. |
inventoryGrowth | number | The annual inventory growth. |
assetGrowth | number | The annual asset growth. |
bookValueperShareGrowth | number | The book value per share growth. |
debtGrowth | number | The debt growth. |
rdexpenseGrowth | integer | The research and development expense growth. |
sgaexpensesGrowth | integer | The sell, growth and administrate expense growth. |
revenuePerShare | number | The annual revenue per share. |
netIncomePerShare | number | The annual net income per share. |
operatingCashFlowPerShare | number | The annual operating cashflow per share. |
freeCashFlowPerShare | number | The annual free cashflow per share. |
bookValuePerShare | number | The annual book value per share. |
tangibleBookValuePerShare | number | The tangible book value per share. |
shareholdersEquityPerShare | number | The shareholders equity per share. |
interestDebtPerShare | number | The interest debt per share. |
marketCap | integer | The market capitalization. |
enterpriseValue | integer | The enterprise value. |
peRatio | number | The PE ratio. |
priceToSalesRatio | number | The price to sales ratio. |
pocfratio | number | The price to operating cashflow ratio. |
pfcfRatio | number | The price to free cashflow ratio. |
pbRatio | number | The price to book ratio. |
ptbRatio | number | The price to book ratio. |
evToSales | number | The enterprise value to sales ratio. |
enterpriseValueOverEBITDA | number | The enterprise value to EBITDA. |
evToOperatingCashFlow | number | The enterprise value to operating cashflow. |
evToFreeCashFlow | number | The enterprise value to free cashflow. |
earningsYield | number | The annual earnings yield. |
freeCashFlowYield | number | The annual free cashflow yield. |
debtToEquity | number | The debt to equity ratio. |
debtToAssets | number | The debt to assets ratio. |
netDebtToEBITDA | number | The net debt to EBITDA ratio. |
currentRatio | number | The annual current ratio. |
interestCoverage | number | The annual interest coverage. |
incomeQuality | number | The annual income quality. |
dividendYield | number | The annual dividend yield. |
dividendYieldPercentage | number | The annual dividend yield percentage. |
payoutRatio | number | The annual payout ratio. |
salesGeneralAndAdministrativeToRevenue | number | The Sales, General, and Administrative to Revenue Ratio. |
researchAndDevelopementToRevenue | integer | The Research and Development to Revenue Ratio. |
intangiblesToTotalAssets | integer | The Intangibles to Total Assets Ratio. |
capexToOperatingCashFlow | number | The Capital Expenditures to Operating Cash Flow Ratio. |
capexToRevenue | number | The Capital Expenditures to Revenue Ratio. |
capexToDepreciation | number | The Capital Expenditures to Depreciation Ratio. |
stockBasedCompensationToRevenue | number | The Stock-Based Compensation to Revenue Ratio. |
grahamNumber | number | The Graham Number. |
roic | number | The Return on Invested Capital. |
returnOnTangibleAssets | number | The Return on Tangible Assets. |
grahamNetNet | number | The Graham's Net-Net Working Capital. |
workingCapital | integer | The working capital. |
tangibleAssetValue | number | The Tangible Asset Value. |
netCurrentAssetValue | number | The Net Current Asset Value. |
investedCapital | number | The Invested Capital. |
averageReceivables | number | The Average Receivables. |
averagePayables | integer | The Average Payables. |
averageInventory | integer | The Average Inventory. |
daysSalesOutstanding | integer | The Days Sales Outstanding. |
daysPayablesOutstanding | number | The Days Payables Outstanding. |
daysOfInventoryOnHand | number | The Days of Inventory on Hand. |
receivablesTurnover | number | The Receivables Turnover Ratio. |
payablesTurnover | number | Payables Turnover Ratio. |
inventoryTurnover | number | The Inventory Turnover. |
roe | number | The Return on Equity. |
capexPerShare | number | The Capex Per Share. |
dividendPerShare | number | The Dividend Per Share. |
debtToMarketCap | number | The Debt To Market Cap Ratio. |
1DayPriceReturnDaily | number | 1 day price return daily. |
5DayPriceReturnDaily | number | 5 day price return daily. |
4WeekPriceReturnDaily | number | 4 week price return daily. |
13WeekPriceReturnDaily | number | 13 week price return daily. |
26WeekPriceReturnDaily | number | 26 week price return daily. |
yearToDatePriceReturnDaily | number | The year price return. |
1yearPriceReturnDaily | number | The 1 year price return. |
3yearPriceReturnDaily | number | The 3 year price return. |
5yearPriceReturnDaily | number | The 5 year price return. |
10yearPriceReturnDaily | number | The 10 year price return. |
| maxPriceReturn
Updated 5 months ago