Stock Profile

symbolstringA string representing the stock symbol.
betanumberA numerical value indicating the stock's beta coefficient, measuring its sensitivity to market movements.
pricedoubleA numerical value denoting the end-of-day price of the stock.
volAvgintegerAn integer specifying the average trading volume of the stock.
lastDivnumberA numerical value representing the most recent dividend payment made by the company.
rangestringA string describing the price range within which the stock has traded.
changesintegerAn integer indicating the price change based on end-of-day prices.
companyNamestringA string providing the name of the company associated with the stock.
currencystringA string specifying the currency in which the stock is traded.
cikstringA string representing the Central Index Key associated with the company.
isinstringA string denoting the International Securities Identification Number.
cusipstringA string indicating the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number.
exchangestringA string specifying the stock exchange where the stock is traded.
exchangeShortNamestringA string that can be used to identify the stock exchange.
industrystringA string describing the industry to which the company belongs.
websitestringA string providing the company's website URL.
descriptionstringA string with a brief description of the company.
ceostringA string indicating the name of the company's Chief Executive Officer.
sectorstringA string specifying the sector to which the company belongs.
countrystringA string denoting the country where the company is headquartered.
phonestringA string providing the company's contact phone number.
addressstringA string representing the company's physical address.
citystringA string indicating the city where the company is located.
statestringA string specifying the state or region where the company is situated.
zipstringA string indicating the postal code for the company's location.
dcfDiffnumberA numerical value representing the difference in the discounted cash flow model.
dcfnumberA numerical value representing the discounted cash flow model.
isEtfbooleanA boolean value indicating whether the security is an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF).
isActivelyTradingbooleanA boolean value to check if the security is actively trading.
isAdrbooleanA boolean value to check if the security is an American Depositary Receipt (ADR).
isFundbooleanA boolean value to check if the security is a fund.
marketCapitalizationintegerAn integer representing the market capitalization, adjusted for the specified currency.
employeeTotalintegerAn integer indicating the total number of employees in the company.
ipostringA string representing the Initial Public Offering date of the company.