Stock Financials
Parameter | Type | Description |
financials | array of objects | The list of financial statements. |
date | string | The date of the statement. |
symbol | string | The security symbol. |
reportedCurrency | string | The reported currency. |
fillingDate | string | The filing date. |
cik | number | The CIK identifier. |
acceptedDate | string | The acceptance date. |
calendarYear | string | The calendar year. |
period | string | The period (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, or FY for annual). |
cashAndCashEquivalents | integer | The cash and cash equivalents. |
shortTermInvestments | integer | The short term investments. |
inventory | integer | The inventory. |
otherCurrentAssets | integer | The other current assets. |
goodwill | integer | The goodwill. |
intangibleAssets | integer | The intangible assets. |
goodwillAndIntangibleAssets | integer | The goodwill and intangible assets combined. |
longTermInvestments | integer | The long term investments. |
taxAssets | integer | The tax assets. |
otherNonCurrentAssets | integer | The other non-current assets. |
totalNonCurrentAssets | integer | The total non-current assets. |
otherAssets | integer | The other assets. |
totalAssets | integer | The total assets. |
shortTermDebt | integer | The short term debt. |
taxPayables | integer | The tax payables. |
deferredRevenue | integer | The deferred revenue. |
otherCurrentLiabilities | integer | The other current liabilities. |
longTermDebt | integer | The long term debt. |
deferredRevenueNonCurrent | integer | The non-current deferred revenue. |
deferredTaxLiabilitiesNonCurrent | integer | The non-current tax liabilities. |
otherNonCurrentLiabilities | integer | The other non-current liabilities. |
totalNonCurrentLiabilities | integer | The total non-current liabilities. |
otherLiabilities | integer | The current liabilities. |
capitalLeaseObligations | integer | The capital lease obligations. |
totalLiabilities | integer | The total liabilities. |
preferredStock | integer | The preferred stock. |
commonStock | integer | The common stock. |
retainedEarnings | integer | The retained earnings. |
othertotalStockholdersEquity | integer | The other total stockholders' equity. |
totalStockholdersEquity | integer | The total stockholders' equity. |
minorityInterest | integer | The minority interest. |
totalEquity | integer | The total equity. |
totalLiabilitiesAndTotalEquity | integer | The total liabilities and total equity combined. |
totalInvestments | integer | The total investments. |
totalDebt | integer | The total debt. |
netDebt | integer | The net debt. |
link | string | The link to the financial statement. |
finalLink | string | The final link to the statement. |
accountsPayable | integer | The accounts payable. |
cashShortTermInvestments | integer | The cash and short term investments. |
currentAssets | integer | The current assets. |
currentLiabilities | integer | The current liabilities. |
liabilitiesShareholdersEquity | integer | The liabilities to shareholders' equity. |
otherEquity | integer | The other equity. |
propertyPlantEquipment | integer | The property, plant, and equipment. |
totalReceivables | integer | The total receivables. |
symbol | string | The security symbol. |
Updated 5 months ago